Hi guys,
I want to know the solution to m brand new smartphone which is Sony Xperia Z3. The only problem in this smarphone is that it won't connects to WiFi and I use internet oly via WiFi so please tell me how to configure this problem or shall I contact Sony Xperia support?
Wifi connection problem in Sony Xperia Z3?
Stamina mode. You can check if it is off going to Settings > Power management > Stamina mode.
1. After checking the previous two, restart your phone and the router.
2. Check properly that you have provided the right details and password.
3. Make sure that you have the latest firmware. For your router you need to check the website of the manufacturer and for your phone this should come as an OTA update.
4. Try to change the channel of your router and ensure that DHCP is on.
Go to your modem bac koffice.. type this in the url
Linksys – http://www.radmin.com/facebook/ipscanner.php
3Com – http://www.radmin.com/facebook/ipscanner.php
D-Link –
Belkin – https://www.linksys.com/ca/support-article?articleNum=139152
Netgear –
5. Turn off the MAC filter on your router and add your phone’s MAC address.
6. Try Sony’s PC software. Install the software on your PC and then go to Support zone, then Start > Phone Software Update > Start.