What’s RSA and what is its role in creating a digital envelope?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -
How is RSA used in cryptography to ensure security of messages. What is the RSA problem? What are the steps involved in an RSA algorithm? How do the RSA encryption and decryption process work? What is the Data Encryption Standard? How is it used in the RSA encryption process to create a digital envelope? 


Answered By 0 points N/A #200199

What’s RSA and what is its role in creating a digital envelope?

Hello Corin Ronie, RSA stands for Rivest Shamir Adleman algorithm. It is usually used in cryptography and steganography. This algorithm changes the plain text into cipher text. There are 2 keys. One is public key and other one is private key. Public keyused only for encrpt the text or message whereas private key is used to decypte the message back into plain text.

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