Asked By
phoenix suy
10 points
Posted on - 05/29/2012
Hello there, Thanks for reading my post. I have some messed printing sheets of labels of my photos. Each label for each photo is different. I need to complete 100 photos a week. What can I do to label photos individually instead of using Word?
What can I do to label photos
Well you can in fact do this in Windows XP, right click then go to properties and set the keywords, but this does not work all that will, you can search by keyword by it is slow.
There are a lot of programs out there that will do this kind of thing, we all have the ones we like, you might want to try a few as there is normally a free trial period will all of them. I use ACDSee, which for me works great. I organize my photos a bit differently then most people, I have a directory for each year and then under those directories I have one for each day that I shoot photos.
I then pick on photo from each day that best represents what was going on that day and these all get put into a category (something like keywords). I can then open the list of off the key photos and from this pretty much figure out what day I am looking for. If there is a lot going on in a day I might put in two or three photos from it into the category.