What is all about bitwise USB device?

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


Hello experts,

What is all about bitwise usb device? Can you cite the advantages, disadvantages, use and purpose of bitwise usb device? I am not familiar with this and I hope you can give me the accurate or correct information that I need regarding this topic. Your suggestions can be a big help. Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #188309

What is all about bitwise USB device?



Bitwise USB device is a device that can adjust the bitrate or just in layman’s term is the transferring of information using bytes/s.

To clarify have you experience putting a usb in a friends laptop and be shock the data transfer is slow, then when you put in on your laptop its copy or paste on a high-speed. This is the bitwise quickusb device. It can balance the speed of transfer of information. Not more on disadvantage. 


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