I have a gaming website. I want to bring some variation to my site by adding few rollover pictures here. For this I am searching for the html codes to add rollover effects to the pictures of my site. Please add the html rollover pictures effects code here or give the link where I can find the code.
Want to know html rollover pictures effects code
You can add rollover effect you have to use java script.
There are lots of tutorial web sites on HTML coding. You can go to web search for this.
I prefer w3school as a tutorial web site. You can learn many useful things from there.
I think this link will solve your problem:
Want to know html rollover pictures effects code
Hi there,
use following steps.
Start the word processor or any other editor to write code for rollover effect and then add the desired image and include it inside of the <CENTER> tag. After the image name, type NAME=“rollover”.
Type <A HREF=“?”> Before the <CENTER> tag. Replace the question mark with the address of the Web page that you wish to have appeared when a visitor clicks on the image. Type </A> after the image.
Verify code should look like
<A HREF=“pages.html”>
<CENTER><IMG SRC=“photo.jpg” NAME=“rollover”></CENTER>
Type ONMOUSEOVER=‘rollover.src=“?” ’ inside of the <A> tag. Replace the question mark with the location of the image that you want to be appear when a visitor moves the mouse over the original image.
Type ONMOUSEOUT=‘rollover.src=“?” ’ Replace the question mark with location of the image that was added in Step1.
Verify your code looks like
<A HREF=“pages.html” ONMOUSEOVER=‘rollover.src=“photo.jpg” ’
ONMOUSEOUT=‘rollover.src=“photo.jpg” ’>
<CENTER><IMG SRC=“photo.jpg” NAME=“rollover”></CENTER>
Open a new Web browser to verify that your Web page displays the image that you are using for your image rollover. Test your site and verify that visitors can move the mouse over the image and it will change to the image that you specified, like you have programmed!!
Hope it works!!