Various Points For Client Server Computing Advantages And Disadvantages In Point Wise.

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Hello, notify the various points for client server computing advantages and disadvantages along with its various points one after other too for it and brief about it as well in details just as reference only and revert soon.

Answered By 10 points N/A #292832

Various Points For Client Server Computing Advantages And Disadvantages In Point Wise.


Hey, below shows the point wise structure for the client server computing advantages and disadvantages are listed down as follows:


Client server computing Advantages Client server computing Disadvantages
It is easy to setup as well and its cost is too low also It needs the server as well as the server software’s too.
Also has the best password security too It is not much secured as well.
Can be also supported for more number of devices and systems too. It is more expensive to implement this type of client server computing as well.
Very easy for the administrator The setup for the same is more complex too
Backups can be done very quickly. Very difficult to maintain the same as well.
There is more built in redundancy as well. There will be no central point for the storage too.

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