Unable to load the page

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Sometimes when I open a game website the page is unable to load.

I can see the image that it is loading but it loads nothing.

I click the refresh button to restart the loading because if I don't, it will last 10-30 minutes of loading process but it will end up in logging me out of the site.

Is there any solution to this?

Is this purely internet connection problem?

Answered By 0 points N/A #157985

Unable to load the page


Thank you so much for your question.

You've asked that sometimes when you open a game website then the page is unable to load or failed or something like that.
From your question I come to know that you are facing trouble to load any kind of game website? I want to know you that almost all games website based on flash and multiple scripting language. 
Maybe you are facing problem with flash content or your browser didn't support flash or browser flash player corrupted. Sometimes it may caused for java script.
Look this picture. This is a popular game portal based on flash. My browser can handle it properly. So there are no problem with this.
Now look at this picture. This website is maybe changed there server or it may unable to process.
I think you are now clear of your question.
  • I think you have no problem with your internet connection. Because you are not facing problem with any other site as you say.
I'll suggest you to use Google Chrome web browser. Because it has pre-build flash player and it can run any kind of website with heavy content or games site without any trouble.
Bon Tancinc

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