The Issue Started Today By Installing The Latest Windows Version, And 0xc004f009 Error Occurred

Briefly explain the 0xc004f009 error? Describe the cause of the error code and explain the solutions to troubleshoot this error message.

Briefly explain the 0xc004f009 error? Describe the cause of the error code and explain the solutions to troubleshoot this error message.
When a copy of Windows is installed on a computer, it gets into a grace period. “Error code: 0xc004f009, The Software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired.” When the grace period of the Windows is over, then it gives rise to an error known as 0xc004f009 error code. The steps to resolve this error code is to increase the grace period of the Windows.
The user has to get a genuine Windows key to increase the grace period of the Windows. Open the Registry Editor as an admin and navigate to the following location to get the grace period:
Change the media boot value to 0.
Now, open the command prompt and type ‘slmgr -rearm’ then press Enter.
This will add the grace period to your activation. Now, reboot your system, and the error will be resolved.