Sample html and css for proof read

Asked By 320 points N/A Posted on -

<title> Poverty Eradication in the world</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="body.css"/>

<body class="body">

<h2>POVERTY is a reality, Eradicating it is task</h2>
Poverty is a issue of the world and we cant just see it consuming the human fraternity while we do nothing
 it begins with you and me.

so let us avoid laziness in order to wipe a way this persistent enemy called the poverty.

Join my campaign, <a href="#">fight poverty</a> by <b>alexovey<b>


and corresponding css



some to help me make it work


Best Answer by Brian_Erick
Answered By 0 points N/A #87509

Sample html and css for proof read



Your coding is pretty okay apart from the omission of the opening head tag only and everything is perfect: we have tried it to work:

it should be as follows:


<title> Poverty Eradication in the world</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="body.css"/>

<body class="body">

<h2>POVERTY is a reality, Eradicating it is task</h2>
Poverty is a issue of the world and we can't just see it consuming the human fraternity while we do nothing
 it begins with you and me.

so let us avoid laziness in order to wipe a way this persistent enemy called the poverty.

Join my campaign, <a href="#">fight poverty</a> by <b>alexovey<b>


and corresponding css



Some to help me make it work


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #87511

Sample html and css for proof read


always keep in mind that all html tags that have a closing tags have an opening tag. so in your case, opening head tag is missing. fix and i hope the css and the html docs are in separate docs and save appropriately(css- "name.css" and html- "name.html").

it works, I have proved it.

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