Run command based on ODBC Data Source Administrator

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv Friends,

I would like to open and access the ODBC Data Source Administrator using the run command.

Hope my Techyv friends will be able to help me in this regard.

Please do the needful for providing the run command based on ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Thanks & Regards,

Christopher L Keaton

Answered By 0 points N/A #134909

Run command based on ODBC Data Source Administrator


Hello Christopher,

You can follow the following steps to open and access the ODBC Data Source using the run command.

  • If you use Windows 7 then follow the following steps:
  1. On Start Menu Type Run on Search Box
  2. Run>odbcad32.exe
  3. Press Enter
  • If you are a Windows XP user then go through the following steps:

                                 Start > Run > odbccp32.cpl

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