Right size USB flash drive

I want to save movies and a couple TV series on a USB flash drive. The thing is I don't know exactly how much space those files take up. Can anyone suggest what brand and file size I should consider?

I want to save movies and a couple TV series on a USB flash drive. The thing is I don't know exactly how much space those files take up. Can anyone suggest what brand and file size I should consider?
Movies often have a file size of 700 MB to more than 1 GB (if you want a greater copy) while the TV series often depends on the film you’re watching which can range from 300 MB to as high as 800 MB. Just remember that the greater the quality of the file you have, the larger the storage you needed.
If you want to place a vast amount of files in a USB, I suggest you buy a Kingston DataTraveler HyperX 3.0. This USB flash drive can store up to 256 GB of movies and series. The flash drive is also available in 64 GB and 128 GB if you don’t need a 256 GB capacity.
I hope this helps!