Resolve Dst Short Test Error Code 0142.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, I am Vipul and I am facing the issue of dst short test error code 0142. Can anybody help me to solve the issue? Thank you in Advanced.

Answered By 0 points N/A #297224

Resolve Dst Short Test Error Code 0142.


Hello, Vipul

I will help you to resolve your problem. This bug is due to your Hard Drive fault, if you are facing this type of issue then remove your hard drive and replaced with another one or you can open Command Prompt and type chkdsk which means check disk. Type the command till the error is removed. You will get the message of no error in your prompt. Exit the prompt and then restart the system. This will help you to resolve your problem.

Image result for dst short test error code 0142.

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