Proper Syntax of Attrib Command any Why it is used

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -
My Pendrive was not showing data and my friend told me to use attrib command and I was able to see the data again on it but I want to know what is the real use of attrib command in Windows?
What are its options and what do they specify. Please explain in easy language and provide examples if you can.
Answered By 0 points N/A #160125

Proper Syntax of Attrib Command any Why it is used



How are you ?

Attrib is a Disk Operating System (DOS) command which can add and remove various attributes like read / write / system / hide / archive etc. Some Antivirus programs may hide the files on suspecting that, the file may be infected. In such case, the files or folders in your pen drive might be hidden which occupies space. You can remove the hidden attribute on using the ATTRIB command. Steps as below.

1. You need to go to Command Prompt from the windows environment first. If you are using WIN XP, it is Start –> Run –> Cmd. If you are using WIN 7, Start –>Search Programs –> cmd.

2.At the command prompt, move to your Pen Drive by typing the drive name followed by : and Enter. (Example : If the pen drive is D you have to type d: and Enter.

3.Now you can give the command Attrib /ah and Enter, which will show you the hidden file names and folders.

4.Now you have to take one folder name or file name from the list. (For example : If the folder name accounts is listed ), you may give the command ATTRIB -h -s -r-and Enter. This will release the attribute of this particular folder. Now you could see the folder accounts in the my computer window from windows.

5.The step 4 to be repeated with rest of the files or folders listed in step 3.

Hope this is has helped

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