Project Development Failures in System Analysis and Design

In system analysis and Design,why is it there is most project development failures are attributed to poor and leadership management?

In system analysis and Design,why is it there is most project development failures are attributed to poor and leadership management?
It is true that poor leadership leads to project development failure. Management has a major role in quality control. Before any project in released for use, it is this group of people who give approval. The approval means they have faith that their technical personnel have done their level best. If it is a scientific program, the management team must ensure that both the software and hardware components are working properly before making their project public.
The next reason why the management is a sore reason why projects fail is that,it fails to identify incorrect assumptions made about a particular program. if this happens then the management does not have the capacity to run such a program.
In any project development cycle, system analysis and design plays a crucial role in determining it's success or failure, as it sets the scope of development of a solution for a certain problem.
Projects are undertaken to solve a certain problem, and management determines which issues are vital and which course of action are best taken. If management makes an error in judgment and decides to seek solutions for the wrong problems, then the solution design will automatically be based on erroneous assumptions and will, therefore, be ineffective .Leadership and management is basically all about setting directions and objectives, therefore, a leader must also have the instinct to determine which is the right direction to take.
Ultimately, the success or failure of a project depends on management's competence and sound judgment.