Problem in Wimax Internet Modem

Hi experts,
I am using an Wimax Internet modem for several months. Recently, a problem occurs when trying to connect it.
Any suggestion will appreciated.

Hi experts,
I am using an Wimax Internet modem for several months. Recently, a problem occurs when trying to connect it.
Any suggestion will appreciated.
Could you describe the problem on your wimax? does it shows an error while you are trying to connect to your wimax? Are you connecting to it wired or through wifi? Did you try turning on your wireless modem or enabling your modems before connecting to the wimax? If your wimax can't connect you through the internet try changing the location of your wimax, its signal might be blocked.
Two probable reasons can be created this problem.
Firstly, the user account and pass code may be not inserted correctly.
Secondly, you may have any other modem set up in your pc which is creating the interruption.
Check these two causes in your system. For the second one, uninstall the previous modem setup than install your Wimax modem software.