Problem in blackberry playbook applications and flashplayer

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hey guys! I bought my new blackberry playbook and I was expecting to enjoy the experience but it has turned out to be disastrous. The touch is good but I am having a nightmare with apps. Most of the apps do not open at all and if they open they close randomly. I have also noticed that I could not open Facebook while the browser was opened so I closed the browser and Facebook opened. This seems like a big defect? But it is not just the apps, flash player has disappointed me as well as it keeps crashing. As a result I cannot play or stream videos. I cannot even play recorded videos. Please help me!

Answered By 590495 points N/A #180979

Problem in blackberry playbook applications and flashplayer


This is a very similar case as with the other BlackBerry user. His problem with the BlackBerry tablet was finally fixed after updating to the latest BlackBerry operating system. I think when they released the BlackBerry PlayBook, they ship it with an unstable or unofficial BlackBerry operating system that’s why most of the apps don’t work or if it works it malfunctions.

Try updating the operating system of your BlackBerry tablet. The easiest way is to use a computer using the BlackBerry Desktop Software. If you don’t have it yet, download and install BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.1. Once installed, connect your BlackBerry PlayBook to your computer using the USB cable then start BlackBerry Desktop Software.

After that, click Update. Make sure the tablet has already finished updating before disconnecting it from your computer or it will corrupt your device’s operating system.

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