Post error Line:587 while editing a post in TapaTalk

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

If I try to edit a post in one of the forums using TapaTalk, I get an error 'Post error Line:587'. I heard this is a known issue and I wonder if a new version will fix it. Are they releasing a new version? When is going to be released?

Answered By 0 points N/A #148907

Post error Line:587 while editing a post in TapaTalk


Hi Ron, this has been an ongoing issue for several months now. But currently they said a release or the hotfix will be out real soon. At any rate, this workaround method help some members. Try this, check your mobiquo folders file permission, this should be properly set to 755, if it is set at that ratio, try to rebuild your cache in the ACP of your forum. 

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