Platform Masters; Fatal Error: Array over flow.

I was about to load a game in Platform Masters, when during its loading it got an error message on array overflow. The target array is 32768 bytes but 65536 is needed for the image. Can we increase the Target array to match the requirements for the image? If we could, are there further complications or would it cause instability to the game?

Loading game, please wait.
Fatal error: array overflow
Array overflow has occurred while loading the file:
c:My DocumentsMy programsPlatform MastersPlatform MastersimagesobjectsItemTreasureChest.tga
Error details: the target array is 32768 bytes, but 65536 is needed for the image.
Error explanation: array overflow causes stability issues and/or even system corruption. Platform Masters will terminate for security and safety reasons. Please report this class 7 bug immediately so I can fix this ASAP.