Hi guys!
Having some technical breakdown.
Got a presentation and nowhere I can open our laptop wherein we set up all what we need.
Good thing we have back up the file and my colleague has brought his laptop but to our dismay he hasn’t installed a reader.
Is there a way wherein I can open my objective questions in electronics PDF on other application?
An objective questions in electronics PDF
Hi Armstrong,
You really need a dedicated PDF reader to open those presentations of yours.
I suggest you the most popular PDF reader in the world – Adobe Reader.
Nothing else in this world can beat this reader. It's just simply the best.
Be noted that you will need internet connection to download it. You can get Adobe Reader from here.
Other PDFÂ readers can be found HERE, HEREÂ Regardless I recommend you to use Adobe Reader.
For me, it's the best choice.
Try yourself !
I hope you will find this useful.