Need help about AVIRA 2012 internet security

Hi guys ,
I'm getting an error “your computer is not secure” from avira internet security ,
Can anyone help me to solve this problem

Hi guys ,
I'm getting an error “your computer is not secure” from avira internet security ,
Can anyone help me to solve this problem
Hi Erica Jonas,
I think some of the services related to your avira antivirus are not running and its been turned off. This might be what causing your problem.
I suggest you should let avira fix its problem itself by selecting "Fix Problem" button (on the top right) and it will automatically try to fix the problems by starting the required services.
If its doesn't work, you can manually start the services by yourself. Just start the "Web Protection" and "Mail Protection" services (on the left pane) by turning them to ON.
This should fix your problem and You should see the message Secure in the Front screen:)