Module extension error, corrupted or unsupported file

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

Yesterday I downloaded a video in MOD extension format. Now when I am trying to open this video in the media player, it does not open. In fact an error pops up on the screen which is attached below:


Module Plug-in Error
Corrupt file or unsupported module type. 

I am unable to find the root cause of the problem. I have posted my query to other forums as well but still no response. Please somebody find a way out to resolve my query.

Hoping to hear from you soon

Thanking you in advance



Answered By 0 points N/A #142566

Module extension error, corrupted or unsupported file


Dear  Zacharytyshawn 

Your media programs is corrupt or not updated, If you want to get a solution of this problem you need to download a player which support MOD extension files. 

MOD stands for Amiga Music Module File the programs which open MOD extension files are: 

VLC media Player, MODPlug Player, KM Player, XMPlay etc. 

If you download any of the above program and install it to your device then you will be able to open the. Download the media player from a reliable source, recommended using the main download site of each player. Download from other source may be dangerous for your system. 

Hope this will be helpful to you.

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