Microsoft power point format problem,

I made a presentation in my home but it is not open in my office .In my home I use windows 7 & office using windows Xp.Please give the solution.

I made a presentation in my home but it is not open in my office .In my home I use windows 7 & office using windows Xp.Please give the solution.
Hey Aftomal!
Well its sounds like the problem of Versions of Microsoft Office, not the problem of different Operating Systems.
As you mentioned above, you are using windows 7 in your home then you must be using Microsoft Office 2010 version. This version of Microsoft Office saves its file in .DOCX or .PPTX. These extensions files cannot be opened in Microsoft Office 2003 or 2002.
In your Office, there must be Microsoft Office 2003, which can only open .DOC or .PPT file. So what you need to do, when you save any file in your home, save it as MS office 97-2003 file.
Open your word or PowerPoint file. Click on file button and select Save AS.
In save type, select MS office 97 – 2003 by clicking on small drop down arrow.
It will be easily open in your office computer.
Please follow below points.
1) Complete your PPT in windows 7
2) Click on top left rounded Office Button, Roll the mouse button on "Save As"
3) Select "Power Point 97-2003 Presentation"
Your file will open in office xp (office 1997 to 2003)