ITunes – The VoiceOver Kit could not be installed

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I tried to install Voice Over Kit on my machine running with Windows XP. It failed installation throwing an error message. Have a look at the error message below. What does it mean? How can I install Voice Over Kit on my machine? Please help me.

I will thankful for the help.

The VoiceOver Kit could not be installed because the user “tim” has an account restriction.


The VoiceOver Kit could not be installed because the user “tim”

has an account restriction.

Answered By 10 points N/A #138688

ITunes – The VoiceOver Kit could not be installed



The Problem you are facing is because of the administration. You are using XP and in this Windows it occurs that problem when you login as a user and trying to install a voice over kit without administrator credentials. Log off and try to login as an administrator set the password for the user account. Then get login as a user and install voice over kit on your PC. It is best recommended solution for this problem.

install voice over kit without administrator credentials

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