IP address conflict occurs and the Internet stops working.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have a Dell N series core i3 laptop. It was all good until a couple of days back when a dialog appeared saying your computer has an IP address conflict. Just after that the internet stopped working. I tried rebooting and it worked but again after some time the message appears. Is someone using my IP address? Is it possible? What can I do to stop this?

Best Answer by Tanthle Yak
Answered By 0 points N/A #191215

IP address conflict occurs and the Internet stops working.


An IP address conflict occurs when two computers on a Local Area network or the Internet have been assigned the same IP address.

To resolve the issue of IP conflicts, Try out options listed below:

1. For networks where you have static IP address, ensure that each local host is configured with a different/unique IP address.

2. If your computer has a dynamically assigned address, releasing and renewing its IP address can work around IP address conflicts

3. If your router has a faulty DHCP server causing IP conflicts on the home network, Upgrade the router firmware.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #191214

IP address conflict occurs and the Internet stops working.


Usually, IP address conflicts occurs when another computer on the network is using the same IP address which you are using. Actually, each computer system will be connected to unique IP address.

** To solve this issue, run the Network trouble-shooter.

** If your computer is having a dynamically assigned address, then release and renew IP address on windows.

** If your router is having problem in DHCP server causing IP address issues, then resolve that issue by upgrading your firmware.

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