Index out of bounds exception shows during installation of Zimbra

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

During the install of Zimbra Desktop on my PC this error appeared and had an error at one file. I was asked to try again and if I try again the error appears again. Can anyone know why I have this error at this file ? Why is not working since the installer is downloaded from the official website ?

Thanks !

Setup – Zimbra Desktop 1.0.4


An error occurred:

Java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -313736143

Error log:C:Documents and SettingsCrackerLocal SettingsTempinstall4jError64492.log


Answered By 0 points N/A #182177

Index out of bounds exception shows during installation of Zimbra


Let us first explain the error here. Java Language Array index Out of Bounds Exception -313736143. This error is a kind of internal, meaning, it's in the software installer itself, it may be running on the programmer's desk maybe because he is using java platform to run and emulate that program and I think that maybe there is another possibility for this problem aside from internal software error, it is a corruption on data download that hits the value to exceed upon one's data type value.

As for now, I will strongly recommend you to please redownload the installer and use another mirror for the file download and send a ticket to their company to re-look on to this issue

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