I want to upgrade to Windows 8.1

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hello guys,

I went to the Windows Store and found out that the Windows 8.1 update will be available on October 20, 2013. I checked on my Windows Update to see if there is an available update for my computer but there is nothing about Windows 8.1. I also checked today to see if its there after reading some news about the update over the web, but it is still not available. Can someone please explain to me how can I obtain this Windows 8.1 Update?

Many thanks for everything.


Best Answer by Ware Shaul
Answered By 0 points N/A #167341

I want to upgrade to Windows 8.1


The same process goes basically in upgrading your Operating System. First of all, visit the windows website, click on the update button. You will recognize another notification on the websites that it is installing (sometimes though, it will not appear on the screen). Then it will ask you to reinstall your applications after upgrading. You will need to click on restart now button to complete the upgrade. Lastly, your pc will restart or reboot and begin installing process.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #167342

I want to upgrade to Windows 8.1


Hello Robert,

Here’s how to update your Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 to improve user experience and better functionality.

1. Check if the PC has all the recent windows update.

2. After the Windows update has been verified, go to the Windows App Store.

3. Click the update Windows 8.1 button.

4. Click the download button to confirm.

5. Wait for about 30 minutes or more depending on the internet connection and system capability

6. Click restart now when prompted.

7. Wait for a couple of minutes until the Licensed Terms and Conditions appear.

8. Click “I Accept”.

9. Select Express at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can also select Custom settings for advanced users.

10. You should fill-up required field such as windows account and verification code.

11. After you fill-up all the necessary information, it will load for a couple of minutes.

12. Then Windows 8.1 will now appear and you’ll be ready to go.


Answered By 0 points N/A #167343

I want to upgrade to Windows 8.1


Hi Robert T White 

Pay a visit this Techyv post. This post will be helpful for you too. Here you will get more techniques to upgrade to Windows 8.1

Upgrading Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1

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