I need a PPT convert to iOS app

Hi. I would like to put a couple of PPT files on my iPhone. Is there a PPT convert to iOS app that I could use to make it a PDF file? I have the 64 GB iPhone 4S that has iOS 5. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I would like to put a couple of PPT files on my iPhone. Is there a PPT convert to iOS app that I could use to make it a PDF file? I have the 64 GB iPhone 4S that has iOS 5. Thanks in advance.
As we all know iPhones does not support PowerPoint but it is actually pretty simple. Follow the steps below:
1.  Open your PowerPoint file, then click the office button located on the top left side.
2.  Go to Save As, then Find Add-ins for other formats.
3.  From there, you will find the Save as PDF or XPS add-in.
4.  You have to install that add-in.
5.  After doing that, you can now save your PPT file as a PDF files for iPhone.
 There is actually an application for IOS that converts any files. Its called Adobe CreatePDF for iPhone. Aside from PPT,this application also supports Word (doc and dcx), Excel (xlsx and xls) and images (jpg,bmp,gif,png and tiff).
MS OFFICE PPT is a program used to create presentations. to convert ppt file to pdf try to install novaPDF you can convert your presentations into PDF files – simply choose novaPDF as a printer and once you click the Print button your presentation will be converted to a PDF. Having your PowerPoint presentation in PDF format is an advantage if you want to send it for review.
novaPDF is installed as a virtual printer so you can create PDF files simply by printing to it instead of your normal printer. To convert your Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation to a PDF: