How Retrieve the Corrupted Images?

I take a picture from my camera and transfer this picture to my computer when I looked in the recent pictures it has been corrupted, how will I retrieve this image? Is there any way to retrieve it?

I take a picture from my camera and transfer this picture to my computer when I looked in the recent pictures it has been corrupted, how will I retrieve this image? Is there any way to retrieve it?
Hello Robert,
Yes there is a way to retrieve your photos. You can download a software that can retrieve your corrupted, deleted or formatted pictures.
Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery – This photo recovery program is just 1 MB, download it.
How to use Artplus DPR:
1. Download the program and run it. To recover your photos, connect the camera or use a card reader to your computer.
2. Click Run Digital Photo Recovery click Next and choose the drive for your memory card.
3. After that, choose the target folder where you want to save the recovered images.
4. Lastly, click Start to begin the process. The process can be estimated to be finish from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the size of your memory card and your computer’s speed. However, it is a worth waiting.
But I want you to know that not all photos will be recovered, it's about 90% the other 10% will be just empty files. Good luck!
I hoped it helped.