How to Restore Active Undelete Names of the Files?

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Everyone!

 need help from anyone who knows how to restore Active Undelete Names of the files. Has anyone tried recovering undeleted files using the Active@ Undelete Professional 8.5? If yes, then please I need your knowledge and expertise. Please guide me on how to restore undeleted files in their original file names. If you have tutorials, books or ebooks and even videos , I would really appreciate your help. Hope anyone can help.

Thanks in advance.

Answered By 30 points N/A #138628

How to Restore Active Undelete Names of the Files?



Hi there Alice Macek,
Active Undelet is a great choice to undelete your lost files. There are several versions available, but even the free one is good enough and will do the job. Also, this is very user friendly software that doesn't require any kind of tutorials or guides. Download it, install it and run it. You will get a screen with all your drives, mark the one where the deleted files were placed and let the software do the rest.
Complete Active Undelete software can be found on the following link:

Best regards,
Drake Vivian

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