How to recover a deleted file in Windows Vista

Do not panic. There is still a chance that you can recover your deleted file. Commencing from Windows 95 onwards, Microsoft introduced the concept of a recycle bin. Instead of actually deleting the file, the windows operating system moves the file to a special folder called the "Recycle Bin".
Each drive has its own recycle bin. The size of the recycle bin is a percentage of the total size of the hard disk in each drive. This folder remains hidden in the root folder of the drive. In order to access it, you need to double click on the "Recycle Bin" icon which is sitting on your desk top. The icon looks like a waste paper basket with a green colored recycle icon on it. The icon usually sits right below the My Computer icon. See the given image.
Thank you Electrica. For your time in helping me. But I can’t find the recycle bin. My desktop is empty except for the my computer icon and my word files! I even took the liberty of moving the desktop icons one by one but I could not find an icon similar to what you have posted! Does this mean that I am doomed? Please help!
You need to explicitly tell Windows Vista to show the Recycle Bin on your desktop. By default Windows Vista does not show all "system" icons on the desktop. If you need it you need to personalize your desktop and enable the respective icons.
System icons are mostly "My Computer", "Recycle Bin", "My Network Places" etc. System icons are noticeable in respect they do not have the usual "shortcut arrow" on the bottom left hand corner. The following steps will bring the Recycle Bin icon to the desktop.
The given screenshot will help you as well.
I followed your instructions and got the icon on my desktop. The icon looks similar to what you posted. It looks like it has some paper stuffed inside! Now what do I do?
Good. Now double click on the Recycle Bin to open it up. You will see a list of files.
I would recommend the "drag out" method as the original location may not exist by now.
Thank you! You saved my file! And you saved my day! I was feeling so miserable and close to tears! Thank you Electrica for helping me out! Your stepwise approach was very helpful and I highly appreciate it! Thank you!
You are most welcome. I am glad that I was able to help you! Have a great day!