In order to attempt FileZilla recent server backup I copied the FileZilla Server.xml from one server to another.
But my FileZilla is not working properly and I am not able to log in with save usernames and password.
What am I doing wrong?
How to perform filezilla recent servers backup using FileZilla server.xml?
The backup of servers is an important step to store your data. Simply copying the xml file from one server to the other will not backup your entire data. The first you need to do is note down your host name, username and password. Make sure you can access them whenever needed. Now, follow the steps below to create a backup of your files on FileZilla:
1. Separate all the files in a systematic order so that you can find them quickly whenever needed. May use of Folders and sub-folders to separate all the files in a systematic order.
2. Now Open the FileZilla server and login with your username and password.
3. You will see the files on your servers are systematically organized. After the widow click on backup.
4. Now, select all the files in the window and right click on it. Select Download, a new window will open where you have to select the destination for the backup. See the screenshot below:
Now, the backup will start and wait for it to complete.