How to make Video using Game

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, considering that you want me to use this set up, I guess you fix the situations already. But I want to post this message at the forum rather than sending you a private message because I want to share it to the public considering that there are someone encountered also this kind of troubles and could give me tips to resolve it.

The bad situations is, totally it is working very well but only for this one portion. The PB is always blocking (Multiple Direct3D loaded) problems. I have seen this problem similar to mine in the forum. Still there are people can make a video using the game. I guess that the PB seems like a thwart program.

I do not know how to resolve it but still I am hoping that there is someone could help me resolve this issue. I want to know my OS that is set up on my Vista x86.

Best Answer by Matt Tiger
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #122138

How to make Video using Game


Hi there,

You are asking how to create a video using game. Well I don’t know exactly what are you looking for but i know software that will probably help you this software was a very reliable tool. This software called cam studio allows you to record whatever you see in your screen you can custom it, it has a setting for visualization you can record the whole screen one fourth or half It’s up to you. Here how to download its free and very light file. Go to your internet browser simply type cam studio at the result of your search you will see cam studio screen recording software and click it then the cam studio page will be loading then scroll down and click for camstudio.exe so you can download it after downloading you can now install it to your computer.

Here is a video how to use it. Don't worry it will be going smooth just follow the direction i provide.

Hope this will help you.

Matt Tiger.

Answered By 5 points N/A #122140

How to make Video using Game


There are numerous third-party applications (free and commercial) designed for the ingame-video recording. One which majority of players use and which is most popular is FRAPS (it’s a Benchmarking software, Screen capture software and Realtime video capture software).

Second popular one is WeGame client.

Third is PlayClaw (it will use optimally all your CPU's cores during the video-capturing process).

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