How is legacy viewer brower performance

How do you think the browser performs? When I use it the interface is pretty slow, and it takes time to start the buffering of the videos. Is it a problem with the browser or my internet connection?

How do you think the browser performs? When I use it the interface is pretty slow, and it takes time to start the buffering of the videos. Is it a problem with the browser or my internet connection?
One of the noticeable properties of faster browser is by measuring cached page load time. From a statistic we found that Firefox page loading time is faster than any other browser and in this category opera gets second position for their faster page loading. 0.73 Seconds need for Google, chrome in ubuntu .
For uncatched page loading time safari gets the first passion and IE9 gets second in this series. Chrome achieved 3rd place at 1.6 sec opera and Firefox get the last position about this speed.
In order to measure a faster web browser other properties whose are need to compare and those are speed test of JavaScript, CPU usage under pressure, DOM choosing etc. From another survey the following result is now show as standard result for comparing of faster browser and best browser performance.
Hi Linalou Labasan,
The Legacy Viewer is not so slow browser. It may be a little bit slower than Google Chrome.
The buffering problem generally occurs due to the slow speed of Internet connection.
There is no chance of the browser to make any video streaming slow.
You should contact with you Internet connection provider for increasing speed.