Computer suddenly stops working after using

Asked By 220 points N/A Posted on -

How to fix a computer that won't turn on?

I'm using my computer for a several hours already and suddenly shut down. I'm trying to open it again but it doesn't open anymore. So I checked the power cords because it might be the problem but it's not. Then I also checked other parts of my computer even inside the CPU and I noticed that once I try to open my computer my optical mouse has no light in it.
What happened to my computer? What is the possible problem of my computer? How will I fix my computer?
Best Answer by francois
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #104166

Computer suddenly stops working after using


Good Day!

I think this is a symptom of a power supply failure. Did you encounter one of the following from your computer?
  • Computer Restarts on its own.
  • CPU fans runs slowly or noisy.
  • Computer is overheating.
  • Your Display is dim.
  • Computer do not power on.
  • Chirping sound.
If this is the case, I suggest you buy a new power supply. There are several varieties of power supply in the market when buying list all of the specs of your computer so that the shop can give you the most suited power supply for your system.
A lot of power supply failures are heat related. Is the fan of your power supply running? Your power supply might be full of dust already and is not functioning well. Is there a ventilation for the air on the power supply to escape?
After replacing your power supply, we can avoid this from happening again by doing these actions. Power supply is not cheap!
  • Always clean your PC, the fan should always be cleaned (at least once every 2 weeks) remove dirt that clogs the air ventilation and apply grease to it so that it will run smoothly removing heat from your computer,
  • If you are working on warm place move your CPU to a cooler place and be sure that the fans is not enclosed with a wall, so that the hot air can escape avoiding overheat on your computer.
  • Do not plug out the computer while it is still running (don't be lazy). Shut down the computer properly before plugging off the power chords on the outlet, improper shutdown causes hardware to malfunction.
I hope this will help.
Answered By 0 points N/A #104167

Computer suddenly stops working after using


Hi Lady Fina,

This may help to your problem. The problem is in the Monitor itself, cables, or its video card. You should check first the cables that are connected to your monitor and to your CPU. Unplug them and plug it again. Second you should check your Video card. Remove it to the case and clean it. Then put it back again. If you do this and the problem is there, it might be your monitor. Try to call a technician to check your monitor and repair it if it has problems.
I hope this will help.

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