How can i block the unwanted sites by switching one PC

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have connnected 20 PC's with Data server, by which 15 PC is connected through wire and other one which is laptop using WiFi as I want to block porn and poker sites permanently.  What is the procedure to block these unwanted sites?

Best Answer by jicocute2
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Answered By 0 points N/A #86742

How can i block the unwanted sites by switching one PC



All the PC's are connected to the laptop via WiFi right? This means all of the connected PC's including the laptop have the same network addresses.

To make it simple, all of them have the same connection (Internet). There is a program named "Untangle". This program is usually used in universities and offices. You can use this link to be able to familiarize, and learn how to use untangle. This software can block any site you want to block, depending on your settings.

Configure and use the untangle software

Answered By 0 points N/A #86744

How can i block the unwanted sites by switching one PC


Please follow this post

If you use Windows Server OS and your low on budget or don't want to pay for blocking software created by software developers to block any content or

To block any website, you might like the idea to use feature that already available in the Operating system in order to block any website for free

If you follow the steps:

First you can do this by modifying host files available in the server to point websites to your local IP address of server, people or software that try to access the

Websites surely won't be able to do it until the websites removed from host file.

Second you will need to log on to your windows server. Creating text files such as notepad. If you use Windows Server 2008, you will have to do a right click

On the text editor and then choose to ""run as administrator""

Third, after the notepad or text editor opened, you will access files on the system by clicking file>open and then navigate to ""C:winntsystem32driversetc,""

Finally click on the ""Hosts"" file and click ""open"" button

Fourth when the hosts file opened, go to the bottom of the file and you will need several lines to the file, make sure you separate the line using line break:

"""" and """"

*change the into the website address you wish to block.

Fifth, if you have already finished, save the hosts file and close the notepad or other text editor.

From this moment, the website or any website you add to the hosts blocked from the server and not accessible until you delete the lines we add to the hosts file

I hope this can help,

If you still have a problem, post it again in this tread,

We will help you

Thank you

Answered By 590495 points N/A #86746

How can i block the unwanted sites by switching one PC


You can install a software that has this ability to block unwanted websites or the websites that you desired to block.

AdSense, Parental Control are good examples of that software. This blocks DNS of the sites you'll need not to display on each and every computer attached. You can also install this software on a specific computer and activate the settings to block DNS traffic of unwanted sites.

You can also use the router's ability to block unwanted DNS or websites. Router has this parental control and Internet access policy that filtered websites coming in.

Log-in to GUI and go to Administrator's panel, then type the specific unwanted website that you want to block. You should contact your router's support to ask for better help. They have this log-in info, to access the internal settings of your router.

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