I have got myself an iPhone Objective-C sample however it shows me a failure of not logged-in successfully.
Certainly it will generate an error because of the service I have made though it might be due to the API key.
Kindly do help me in this regards.
Below is an attached figure.
Unable to login
Please check your box.net developer account credentials.
Either the application key is invalid or it does not have permission to call the direct-login method. Please contact [email protected]
Failure with Log-in : Application_Restricted
They (box.net) created special authentication process. For mobile applications the authentication process works. Authentication process provided to you high levels of security. Authentication is a one kind of process of getting some credentials from users. This credentials used for verify user identity. Authentication is used for system identify legitimate users from unauthorized users. Authentication is helpful to you. You can easily identify yourself to system. It is very effective. Authentication was determined by authentication protocols, mechanism. Authorization is a process to allow the authenticated user to access resources.
You should access the authentication method then only you can log in successfully. The best way is you directly contact [email protected] to begin setup process.