Error when opening MS Office

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

 Hi experts,

 I found an error message when I opened any Microsoft Office application. The error message is: "NULL, this is not a Win32 application"

       Please give me a solution. Thanks.

Best Answer by RichalleRipan
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #96732

Error when opening MS Office


This looks like a problem generated in the initial installation, a install.log error in the registry. GOTO START, CONTROL PANEL, ADD REMOVE PROGRAMS, LOOK FOR MS OFFICE IN THE LIST, CLICK ON UNINSTAL. From here you will get a menu with various options.  One of them will be repair. CLICK ON THAT and run. This should repair the problem. It may not work if because you do not have the initial installation software/CD. Look for the installation CD and run the process from the repair stage.

If this does not work uninstall MS Office and reinstall it by following the above steps instead of clicking and repairing. You may have to reboot your system after uninstalling it.

Answered By 0 points N/A #96733

Error when opening MS Office


I think that you are attempting to open the application from the shortcut. Check the shortcut's properties. The target should be " Microsoft Office xxx" the xxx being the version you are using. if not resolve than repair to remove the problem.

Option -2

Go to Start Panel.. Add remove programs.. look for Ms Office.. Click like you want to uninstall instead it will POP UP a menu with options.. tick the box saying repair office.. let it run and this should take care of it. It will not erase anything, documents, settings etc it will only compare itself installed  " how it should be running" type of thing & make adjustments from there".

Answered By 0 points N/A #96734

Error when opening MS Office


I was scared that I bought a damaged CD but follow your steps  RichalleRipan, I re-install MS Office through the CD and I can use now the component of Microsoft Office. Thank you very much. I hope the community of Techyv will continue to grow.

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