Error 0x800b0101 occurs when setting up the microsoft surface .

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

I bought a new Microsoft Surface from an online store. I turned it on and now it tells me to connect a Microsoft account to my recently bought surface. When I enter my information, i get the error " We're sorry, but something went wrong. This user wasn't added to this PC. Error: 0x800b0101". Did this PC belong to someone else before me? What is this error? How can I fix it?

Answered By 0 points N/A #191379

Error 0x800b0101 occurs when setting up the microsoft surface .


Rest assured that the computer is indeed new, and that is not what is causing the error.

According to the Microsoft forum, you can not use an e-mail account that is already associated with more than 5 computers. Microsoft has a limit on the number of devices one can use a particular Windows ID with. That being the case, you will need to create a brand new login for your new Microsoft Surface.

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