DNS 11.5 showing error when repaired by using original DVD repair facility

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Can anyone help with this problem? I repaired my edition of DNS 11.5 using the original DVD repair facility (DNS 11). When I switched on the computer, I was taken through the process of installing a “critical patch” which was the original upgrade to the DNS 11.5. After the patch had finished downloading, the install shield comes up and the computer was inactive for some time.

I got this error message finally” This utility could not find a qualified Dragon NaturallySpeaking product to patch” I have tried severally to apply the patch while Dragon is still open but I am instructed to shut it down which taken time before I receive the same error message. I cannot get support from the Nuance technical support because my grace period expired long ago.

This utility could not find a qualified Dragon NaturallySpeaking product to patch.


This utility could not find a qualified Dragon NaturallySpeaking product

to patch.


Best Answer by Drake Vivian
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 30 points N/A #146253

DNS 11.5 showing error when repaired by using original DVD repair facility


Hello Richard,

Unfortunately, there is no simple solution of your problem. The error you're getting means you're either using the wrong serial number or you're out of activations. You only have 5 activations, so if you've re-installed your software five times you can't do a fresh install.
In any case, you will need to contact the customer support service to resolve your problem.
Answered By 0 points N/A #197641

DNS 11.5 showing error when repaired by using original DVD repair facility


Hello Richard, 

Did you try re-installing the software instead of repairing it? Please uninstall the software from your computer and then try re-installing it from the DVD. If that, does not solve your problem, you can try contacting the customer support or buy a new DVD as your files may have been corrupted. 


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