Confusion about making Excel into paradox conversion for MS Office 2010.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I got a message from my management to send them a specific excel sheet with extension of paradox. Have any solution about converting excel into paradox? Note that I am using Excel 2010.

Best Answer by Philip Johnsons
Answered By 0 points N/A #163392

Confusion about making Excel into paradox conversion for MS Office 2010.


Hi FoldCharles

I think you are little bit worry regarding your paradox conversion problem. Today I am going to suggest you to choose the best option for get rid of the problem.

You can use paradox converter by easy and rapid conversion

Explore paradox by clicking here!

If you want to do it manually you should follow the following indication

First you have to save the file in .xsl format.

Change location of newly formed excel through arc catalog and then by clicking right button of the mouse on the sheet choose export into dbase.

After that you can successfully convert your file to paradox.

Best Wishes for you. GOOD luck …

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #163393

Confusion about making Excel into paradox conversion for MS Office 2010.




Paradox files are nothing but database files. These files have “DB” as the file extension.

Follow the below steps to convert xls files to DB(paradox) files.

1.       Go to the website

2.       Download “xls to any” software.

3.       Install it on your system.

4.       As it is a trail version you have the accesses to convert only 5 xls files to paradox (db) files.

5.        Once you run the software select the directory where your xls file is present.

6.       After selecting the directory click on the checkbox to select the file and the format you want to convert the file. In your                     case select DBF format.

7.        Now click on start to convert the file.

Thank you.



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