Composing HTML emails using jQuery editor wysiwyg apex 2011

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have tried out various editors but i have failed to get one that allows users to compose HTML emails that include images, does jquery editor wysiwyg apex 2011 allow it?

Best Answer by Nicke Baker
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Answered By 0 points N/A #171454

Composing HTML emails using jQuery editor wysiwyg apex 2011


Hello Penix,

I guess many emails editors allow that. You just need to switch from the normal editing option to the html format in order to embed the images that you want. But it is better to attach the images as opposed to embedding them to avoid the email from being too sluggish.



Answered By 10 points N/A #171455

Composing HTML emails using jQuery editor wysiwyg apex 2011


Even you can use the notepad to edit the HTML document but it depends on your requirements what result you want form your website or HTML code. However the basic thing you want to do with any HTML code can be done with this editor.


Smith Thompson 

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