Check my spelling of database tables

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello expert, I need a help. I want to check my spelling of database tables. Database table created using Microsoft Access. But I have never heard of a spell checker for a database before. If there any specific option to spell check other please suggest with instructions. Thank you.

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Answered By 10 points N/A #193833

Check my spelling of database tables



There is a tool in Microsoft access.You can check the spelling in it.

To check the spelling and grammar in Microsoft access 

1.    Click Microsoft office button-> Extel option.

2.    Click proofing.

3.    In dictionary select the language.

4.    Click Tools-> spelling or press F7.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By points N/A #193835

Check my spelling of database tables



There are many ways that your database can be checked for spelling issue.

You can use DBSpeller. It is the coolest application I have seen to check database for spelling errors. This program is written with C++. This is the only multi-thread database spell checker.

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