Cant’ convert the PowerPoint files to PDF

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I want to create an error-free, fully accessible PDF file from a PowerPoint presentation. I have MS Office 2010, and I have checked Web accessibility using Acrobat 9 Pro. When I try to convert the PowerPoint to PDF, the pictures that do not necessarily need an alternate text ask for an alternate text. I tried giving alternate texts to these pictures, but they won’t register. Can anybody help me?

Best Answer by Clair griffin
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Answered By 10 points N/A #105078

Cant’ convert the PowerPoint files to PDF



Hello there! Try following these steps into converting your powerpoint files to pdf. First, open your .ppt file. Select the slides that you want to convert into pdf. In the Adobe PDF menu, you can select the Convert To Adobe PDF options. Type the file name and select the location where you want to save the converted pdf file. There is also an option button if you want to change the conversion settings. Click OK then Save to finish creating the pdf file. Alternatively, you can convert ppt to pdf by using Impress. Open your ppt file in Impress and just click the icon Export Directly as PDF. This option is guaranteed error free.  

Answered By 75 points N/A #105079

Cant’ convert the PowerPoint files to PDF


Hallo Mark,

If you are using microsoft office 2010 then you not need to go looking for a software that will help you convert the powerpoint files to PDF format, because ms powerpoint 2010 allows you to save the files directly from powerpoint in the PDF format.

Just open the file that you want to convert into PDF format in the ms powerpoint 2010 editor, and then go to file in the main then save as. From the list of formats that you can choose from look for PDF format. If it is not there, then choose the other formats option.

When the save as window comes up, scroll through the save as formats and locate PDF format and choose it. When are done with that, give a file name and the click save.

You will have successfully saved the file in the PDF format.


Lee Hung

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