I have a kindle Fire . I would like to upgrade it to Androids OS Jelly Bean . I am not certain what sort of relationship Kindle has with Android. Can you upgrade to Android on a kindle and keep all functionality and not break the user agreement.
Can you update kindle fire to Jelly bean
Dear Bridgette M Roth,
I’ve been using a Kindle Fire for the past two weeks. Perhaps this procedure will help you.
Copy the jandycane_otter-v1.7.2_0xD34D.zip and gapps-jb-20120726-signed.zip files to your tablet’s internal SD card. Do not extract the files.
Turn off your tablet.
Boot it into TWRP Recovery. You can do this by pressing the Power button. Once you see the triangle icon on the screen, press the Power button again to boot into Recovery Mode.
Backup your existing ROM by tapping on Backup. This will create a backup of your current ROM in case the custom ROM does not work properly on your tablet.
Go back to the main menu by tapping on the Home icon.
Tap Wipe and then Factory Reset to wipe your data. You can skip this step if you came from the previous version of this ROM.
Select Cache and confirm the action on the next screen.
Select Dalvik cache and confirm the action on the next screen.
Go back to the main recovery menu and select Install. Locate and select the ROM’s ZIP file to start installation.
Once the installation is completed, go back the main Recovery menu again and select Install. Locate and select the GApps ZIP file. This will install the Google apps package which is not present in the ROM by default.
Once installation of GApps is complete, click on Reboot System to boot your device to Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean. I hope this information will help you to upgrade your kindle fire.