Can Aardvark Pro replace speaker output on my laptop?

The speakers seems to be somewhat damaged, for my laptop. Instead of replacing the laptop speakers could I instead use Aardvark Pro to replace speaker output on my laptop?

The speakers seems to be somewhat damaged, for my laptop. Instead of replacing the laptop speakers could I instead use Aardvark Pro to replace speaker output on my laptop?
Yes Aardvark Pro can replace speaker output of your laptop, the only problem is you need to plug it in always before using your laptop. But I think it doesn’t bother you that much because you already replace it and another great thing about that is you’ve install another feature in terms of sound through your laptop.
Dear Friend,
I would like to tell you a simple way without using any complications. If the hole for putting your headphone is still working it is good, the only thing you have to do is buying external speaker it is much cheaper than laptop speaker and it will work normally as it was the original speaker of your computer.
Hello Brown,
You can replace the speaker output on your laptop with Aardvark Pro. Aardvark has a respectable popularity in professional circles for the good quality of their AardSync studio word clock generators, and the design of their Direct Pro sound card range also places great emphasis on sound quality, going so far as to encase critical components such as the audio converters in an electrically processed box to keep external disturbance at bay. This perfectionist technique has been retained in the latest addition to the range, but the Q10's specification is more ambitious than those of its Stablemates.