Best Editor For Coding

Recently I got interested in coding and programming. Can anyone suggest me a good editor to code in to get myself started for coding?

Recently I got interested in coding and programming. Can anyone suggest me a good editor to code in to get myself started for coding?
• Atom editor:
This editor is very good, considering the price and the features it offers. It has a lot of packages for you to download and to configure it your way. But it consumes a lot of RAM. If you don’t have at least 4GB of ram, I wouldn’t recommend you downloading this because it might slow down your coding.
• Sublime Text 3:
This editor also consumes a decent amount of RAM, but not as much as Atom. If you are starting without the idea of coding, this is better because it has a feature where it auto-corrects the mistakes you do to minimize the compiling error. Even this offers a lot of packages like Atom, but it is not free, even the software is not free.
• P5.js editor:
This editor was available to download, but now it is only available as an online editor. This editor is only for making an interactive as well as non-interactive javascript. If you are really into making interactive games or any other program, this is way better.