Batman Arkham Game Error while installation

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I had recently purchased  Batman Arkham Asylum, and I tried to install it on my PC but my drive went out of order.

I made it checked, and unfortunately it cannot be repaired. I made an ISO copy of the disc from another PC and then I tried to install it on my system.

It was  installed successfully but when I tried to start the game, it gave me this error :

Please insert the original disc instead of a backup (1000)

Please have a look at ********** for further more detailed information.


 Is there any other way of installing it?

Please help me out. Your ideas will be highly appreciated

Any advice is most welcome.

Thanks in advance


Best Answer by Drianna allen
Answered By 30 points N/A #189401

Batman Arkham Game Error while installation




Batman Arkham Asylum requires the installation CD in order to run the game. You can install the game with image file but you need the CD to be inserted in the drive in order to run the game. And also, try to look for the original disk and insert it again.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #189402

Batman Arkham Game Error while installation


Hi Emma!

You cannot run the game until and unless the game CD is physically present inside your disk drive. I recommend you to get your CD drive checked or buy a new one. This is the best way to get the game working.

Alternatively, you can even try and install an virtual drive software such as Daemon tools. You can then mount ISO image on the virtual drive and see if this works.

You can download Daemon tools from here :

Hope this helps!


Drianna allen

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