Back up an Exchange server into a tape drive?
What would be the best way to back up an Exchange server into a tape drive? Will NTbackup be enough?
What would be the best way to back up an Exchange server into a tape drive? Will NTbackup be enough?
After the installation of your new Exchange server, the next thing you would need to think about is the way on how to back it up. Microsoft Jet is used by exchange to store all of its items. Jet engine can handle multiple databases stored in a storage groups. The database files could not be backed up unless they are mounted.
There are 4 ways you can back up. They are:
·        Online Back up is created by NTBackup which can easily be done.
·        Offline back up involves dismounting the databases and copying it on another location.
·        Brick Level is a backup way wherein backup agent uses MAPI to connect to the mailbox or public folder to do the back up. It can either be offline or online.
·        Tape Drive
There are certainly different means of backing up your Microsoft Exchange Server on to a tape drive. Like for example you have two servers both running on Windows Server 2008, 64-bit on server A and 32-bit on server B.
In server A, you have Microsoft Exchange and in server B it doesn’t have Microsoft Exchange but it does have a tape drive connected to it. In this example, you can use Symantec Backup Exec Small Business Edition and install it on the server which has a connected tape drive.
But you can also create backups on both servers using Symantec Backup Exec Small Business Edition but this would require two different licenses. You can create a backup for server A which directly saves to disk while server B saves the backup to the connected tape drive. If you wish to purchase Symantec Backup Exec Small Business Edition you may visit.
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