Avast Anti-Virus vs. Norton Anti-Virus

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

What are the advantage and disadvantages of using an Avast Anti-Virus?

Or would you rather suggest that I use Norton Anti-Virus instead?

Best Answer by maruf_ciw
Answered By 0 points N/A #130460

Avast Anti-Virus vs. Norton Anti-Virus


Both are very good anti-virus that only depends on what features you want your antivirus to have. Let's start with what these two both have. Both Avast and Norton run at Windows at a good speed, both has regular updates, has worm protection, anti-rooting kit, email scanning and IM protection. 

To contrast, Avast has a Sandbox feature that lets you go through a program that may be vulnerable to infection and enters you to a protected virtual mode. It also has a gaming mode protection feature.

While Norton can scan your Facebook wall. Avast is light on the system. Which means, it doesn't slow down the performance of your computer but can function out well. While Norton can slow down your computer, but can be more precise in getting rid of viruses and scanning.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #130461

Avast Anti-Virus vs. Norton Anti-Virus


A comparison of the two most popular Anti-virus is not an easy task.

Here are some information that can help you to make a good decision:

 Both programs get installed within a minute and none of the two require to go for a system restart after the installation is complete. The difference  between these two are:

The Avast Sandbox feature lets you run programs that are vulnerable to infection in a protected virtual mode. It also have special gaming mode protection features.
 Norton provides Boot protection, which is a feature that is found lacking in Avast. It offers a reputation based scan feature and a Facebook wall scan too.

 Performance tests reveal that with respect to memory usage Avast is lighter on the system compared to Norton. But it is proved that Norton is slightly better at virus and malware scanning compared to Avast. 

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