ATI overdrive not supported by Sapphire.HD5450.512.091215 graphics card not

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I have a Sapphire.HD5450.512.091215 graphics card, and it doesn’t support ATI overdrive and the following message appears if I try and open my BIOS. Should I modify the BIOS and load it again? Can someone help me?

Unable to find overdrive settings


Unable to find overdrive settings. Maybe your card simply does not

support overdrive. If you’re sure this card support it, please drop a note

to the eMail-address found in the about section. –Debug information:

‘GetOverDrive’ reported error.


Best Answer by Aguilar Wulff
Answered By 0 points N/A #152770

ATI overdrive not supported by Sapphire.HD5450.512.091215 graphics card not


Hi Ney,

I would really suggest not to alter your BIOS because it would affect your computer and for the worst scenario, it will crash. You should return it to the store where you purchased the video card and ask for technical assistance from them. Inform them about the error message appeared on your screen so that they could help you with your concern about the video card.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 25 points N/A #152771

ATI overdrive not supported by Sapphire.HD5450.512.091215 graphics card not


Hi Ney,


You are right. Sapphire HD 5450 does not support ATI overdrive that is why you are getting that error. I suggest you disable ATI overdrive as soon as possible to prevent a system crash. Doing so will also prevent that error from showing up.

To disable ATI Overdrive, follow these steps:

1)      Launch the ATI Catalyst Control Center

a.       To do this, just right-click anywhere on your desktop and select “Catalyst control center”.

2)      Click on Graphics and select ATI Overdrive.

3)      You have to UNCHECK the box that says “Enable ATI Overdrive”.

4)      Click Apply then click Ok.

5)      Restart your computer.


I hope this helps.

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